
The Ansible Storage Role is a vendor agnostic abstraction providing infrastructure administrators with automation for storage solutions and to access provisioned resources.

Thanks to this abstraction it’s now possible to write reusable playbooks that can automate tasks on any of the supported storage arrays.

The role will provide an abstraction for multiple storage types:

  • Block storage.
  • Shared filesystems.
  • Object storage.

Use cases:

  • Automate provisioning of volumes for:
    • Bare metal hosts.
    • VMs managed via the virt Ansible module.
    • VMs managed on oVirt, OpenStack, and VMWare.
    • Cloud providers.
  • Take periodical snapshots of provisioned volumes.


At the moment the only supported storage type is Block storage, with a limited number of features:

  • Get backend stats
  • Create volumes
  • Delete volumes
  • Attach volumes
  • Detach volumes

There are plans to add new features and provider for new storage types. Refer to the Future work section for information on the plans for the role.


The Storage Role includes support for over 80 block storage drivers out of the box with the default provider, and this list can be expanded even further with new storage providers.

A provider is the Ansible module responsible for carrying out operations on the storage hardware. Each provider must support at least one specific hardware from a vendor, but it may as well support more, like the default provider does.

Even though there are only two providers at the moment, they support a large number of different storage vendors and storage backends.

To expose the functionality of these providers, the Storage Role introduces the concept of backends. A backend is constructed passing a specific configuration to a provider in order to manage a specific storage hardware.

There are two types of nodes in the Storage Role, controllers and consumers.


Ansible Storage Role nodes diagram

Controllers have access to the storage management network and know how to connect to the storage hardware management interface and control it. For example to create and export a volume.

Consumers only need access to the storage data network in order to connect to the resources we have provisioned. For example to connect a volume via iSCSI.


Before we can provision or use our storage, we need to setup the controller node, the one that will manage our storage.

There are two types of configuration options: One provides global configuration options for the provider, and the other provides the configuration required to access the storage’s management interface.

In both cases the valid contents for these configuration parameters depend on the provider being used, as each provider has different options.

The names of the parameters are:

  • storage_backends is a dictionary providing the configuration for all the backends we want the controller node to manage.
  • storage_$PROVIDER_config and storage_$PROVIDER_consumer_config are the global provider configuration options to over-ride the defaults. Providers are expected to provide sensible defaults to avoid users having to change these.

All the information related to these configuration options is available on the providers’ section, but here’s an example of how to setup a node to manage an XtremIO array:

- hosts: storage_controller
        volume_driver: cinder.volume.drivers.dell_emc.xtremio.XtremIOISCSIDriver
        san_ip: w.x.y.z
        xtremio_cluster_name: CLUSTER-NAME
        san_login: admin
        san_password: nomoresecrets
      - {role: storage, node_type: controller}


Assuming our playbook has already been configured a backend on the controller node, for example like we did above, we can proceed to use this backend to provision and use the volumes like this:

- hosts: storage_consumers
      - {role: storage, node_type: consumer}
      - name: Create volume
            resource: volume
            state: present
            size: 1
        register: vol

      - name: Connect volume
            resource: volume
            state: connected
        register: conn

      - debug:
          msg: "Volume {{ }} attached to {{ conn.path }}"

      - name: Disconnect volume
            resource: volume
            state: disconnected

      - name: Delete volume
            resource: volume
            state: absent